Why Utility Workers Should Use Stabilizer Bars 1/2015
SW Services has been making utility worker safety a priority for many years. Every employer knows that job conditions, and especially those of utility workers, can be precarious. When utility workers complete the necessary tasks of their jobs to keep the community safe and functioning properly they should be able to do so with the peace of mind that risk of injury is minimal. Unfortunately, this is not always the case but one way to drastically improve the safety of utility workers is to use SW Service's stabilizer bar. A stabilizer bar is made of galvanized steel and attaches securely to the sides of a manhole shaft. A stabilizer bar is easily adjusted to the size of a manhole shaft to ensure that it is perfectly attached so that utility workers can access large water valves safely. A stabilizer bar can make that dark, slippery trek down a manhole shaft much safer which is to the benefit of not only utility workers but employers and municipalities as well.
A stabilizer bar may sound like a frivolous addition to a service utility workers have been providing for years. But the truth is, stabilizer bars are an inexpensive way to add a significant amount of safety and peace of mind to an important job. All employers know that it is important to keep their employees safe to avoid injury. No employer wants to see their employee injured, slow down progress on a job, or be held liable for injuries. A stabilizer bar can reduce the liability an employer experiences by immensely improving utility worker safety. Many municipalities may wonder what kind of undertaking new device will require both financially and practically. Stabilizer bars are not only inexpensive but easy to adjust and install when on the job. A stabilizer bar can be securely attached with only a standard crescent wrench. Yes, it really is that simple. This means that all utility workers can be easily trained in very little time to quickly install stabilizer bars when on the job. And, there is no need to worry that a stabilizer bar will not be able to fit the unique manhole shafts in your municipality. The stabilizer bar can be ordered in a variety of diameters to fit valve extension key shafts. When you think about the very minimal cost and training time involved in the use of stabilizer bars, you can see that the investment is well worth it. Employers cannot put a price on the peace of mind that their utility workers are safe and liability is reduced. Just because utility workers are willing to risk personal safety in order to provide services for the community, it does not mean that they should have to do so. Protect utility workers and save money and time with the use of SW Services stabilizer bar.