Debriscap DC 100 Fits a nominal inside wall 10" ID with tri-cam, spring loaded, self adjusting vertical contact pads. The contact pads can be adjusted to allow for proper fit if the size is larger or smaller. When you have found the proper location for the cap, simply rotate the handle (DO NOT FORCE IT) until you feel the cam lock into position. Since each contact pad is adjustable, you may feel some resistance which will cause the cam to not lock into postion. Shorten (1) or more of the adjustable pads to arrive at the proper tension. The handle should align with the hole in the base of the cap (remove the rubber plug to utilize locking system).
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Debriscap DC 120 Fits a nominal inside wall 12" ID with tri-cam, spring loaded, self adjusting vertical contact pads. The contact pads can be adjusted to allow for proper fit if the size is larger or smaller. When you have found the proper location for the cap, simply rotate the handle (DO NOT FORCE IT) until you feel the cam lock into position. Since each contact pad is adjustable, you may feel some resistance which will cause the cam to not lock into postion. Shorten (1) or more of the adjustable pads to arrive at the proper tension. The handle should align with the hole in the base of the cap (remove the rubber plug to utilize locking system).
Download the DC 120 PDF